Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ann Tollette I'm working on sale items for week #3 of OLA's 6-wk. Shopping
Extravaganza going on now. Week 2 starts after midnight tonight, so I
have to put in my listing numbers for Wk #3 tomorrow for advertising
purposes. Each person involved has to submit 10 listings with the week
number in the title for easier searching. Eac...h week the categories
change for the listings; some are allowed, some are not allowed, so we
have to make sure our categories match what week is set. So I've been
very busy working on those listings! I skipped week 1 because I didn't
have anything in the required categories. So mine start at about 12:15
early tomorrow morning. If anyone wants to check stuff out now, you can
go to and put W1 in the search block and see what comes
up. My url is

I may be closing down my eBay store because of more new rules they are
coming out with by the end of March, so the OLA and Bonanzle stores will
become more active. Ebay is yet again raising their fees but hiding
them in what they actually tell it is going to be SO good for
sellers! NOT!! From what I understand, store listings are going up
$.17 per listing per week!! That's HUGE compared to what I pay now of
$.03 per listing for 30 days! I am NOT a happy camper!! We shall

Right now I'm concentrating on listing as much as I can that I'm trying
to get rid of! I've got a 15% off sale going on now in my SALE category
of Fuller items, Mia Bella candles and soaps and mailing/packing
supplies (including a lot of sizes of zips). My link there is Back to work.....