Saturday, October 17, 2009

What I've Been Up To Lately!

WOW!! It's been l-o-o-o-n-n-g time since I last posted here!! I TOLD you I didn't find much time to blog on top of everything else I do. I hope to try to change that in the future; BUT.....we'll see!!

I've spent the last few months building up my Fuller and Mia Bella Businesses with listings on OLA, Bonanzle and eBay (yes, I still sell on eBay since most of my gravy comes from there still)! I don't list the Mia Bella there since I can't use the Mia Bella name (bummer since the name sells the product). Oh well....

Now, what have I also been up to?? I've also taken over Capt. Donna's Packing/Mailing/Shipping Supplies since she can't do it any more due to health reasons! I had been buying from her anyway for my own use, but I found a need for it locally, so I was stocking up for my own selling purposes! That's why I ended up with it in the long run! So the last month or so I've been tryinjg to get all that added to all my stores (BIG job)!

And now I've got to start getting ready for a one-day show with my candles on Nov. 7! I've got quite a few little baskets to make up as well as some little votive centerpieces that will be great for teacher's gifts for the kids to get! So....time to get back to work! Catch ya later!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Very First Blog.....EVER!!

I just finished editing part of my profile....will do more later. I NEED to get back to listing on OLA!! And checking out my 2 QA auction listings that are running! Plus....I need to check "that other place" to see if I've done anything (hope so); I need to check my e-mails; I need to check my o-mails again; I need to put the pups in their cage for the night AFTER I take them outside one last time (geeze....housebreaking 2 pups at the same time is time consuming....but they are having fewer and fewer accidents)! Hmmmm, surely there's something ELSE I need to do too!! Oh yeah....I need to take more pics so I can list more goes on....and on!! It is endless......! More later....when I find the time.....