Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Very First Blog.....EVER!!

I just finished editing part of my profile....will do more later. I NEED to get back to listing on OLA!! And checking out my 2 QA auction listings that are running! Plus....I need to check "that other place" to see if I've done anything (hope so); I need to check my e-mails; I need to check my o-mails again; I need to put the pups in their cage for the night AFTER I take them outside one last time (geeze....housebreaking 2 pups at the same time is time consuming....but they are having fewer and fewer accidents)! Hmmmm, surely there's something ELSE I need to do too!! Oh yeah....I need to take more pics so I can list more goes on....and on!! It is endless......! More later....when I find the time.....